Mariah just felt the need to get away from her empty nest for a little while. She wasn’t looking for entertainment and she certainly wasn’t looking for a man. Especially one that came with three brothers that all seemed focused on nailing her.
Damien and Devlin arrived at the highland gathering in search of a mate. They found one that was absolutely perfect to Damien’s mind--except for the little matter of her not being a bear shifter. Damien figured she was in season, though. He sniffed that out right off. Clearly she was looking for a male to drop a cub on her. And he was her man. He was ready--so ready--eager and able. All he had to do was convince her before she took off.
Published: March 2025
Word Count: 32, 199
Genre: Paranormal/Fantasy Romance
Rating: Spicy/Erotic
Clan of the Bear III: Highlanders
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