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Woman with male harem/reverse harem


War is all that any of them have ever known, but the strategies the cyborgs, Kameron, Damien, Gavin, and Kyle, are familiar with don't seem to work nearly as well in their campaign to win Zoe. She's human, after all and completely unpredictable.

Zoe isn't certain what to make of the cyborgs-beyond the fact that they're seriously big and dangerous-and quite possibly four of the most handsome males she's ever seen. She's their enemy. They've made that abundantly clear. So why is it that they've suddenly taken the notion to convince her to contract with them?

More importantly, why is that she finds herself wanting to when it's probably the worst idea she's ever had?


Published: 2008 
Length: Epic Novel 
Word Count: 106,925 
Genre: Sci-Fi/Futuristic Romance 
Rating: Spicy/Erotica 
Available formats: PDF, RTF, Epub, HTML, Mobipocket (.prc)

Cyberevolution Book Seven: Rules of Engagement

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